Beyond Cubic EoS - A New High Accuracy Model for Water in Multiphase Systems

1 hour

Cubic EoS (Equations of State) are widely used throughout the industry, as they have extensive applicability and excellent accuracy for a wide range of fluid properties. As operating envelopes continue to be pushed, and cost control is becoming ever more stringent, Cubic EoS display some limitations in predicting accurate fluid properties such as compressibility, speed of sound, heat capacity, Joule-Thompson coefficients, etc. An evaluation using inaccurate fluid properties could potentially result in exceeding design pressures and incorrectly sizing critical specifications of facilities .

As an example, our analysis shows that “out of the box” thermodynamic and flow models can provide reasonable temperature predictions, but can occasionally over-predict pressure increases to a significant degree – compared to accurately measured field data. Manual corrections through established, standard methods allow the recovery of technical accuracy, but it is normally not practical from a commercial standpoint, and seldomly not applicable on a wider-scale.

Join us in this webinar where our Subject Matter Experts will explore the following subjects and provide feedback to your questions in greater detail:

  • The pressure variations of a lean MEG filled subsea system resulting from seawater temperature swings
  • The introduction of a high-accuracy EoS developed in Multiflash® , advanced thermodynamics software and fluid property engine, to provide accurate liquid properties
  • The estimated impact of the physical properties to the design of process and production equipment


  • Alessandro Speranza, PVT Technology Product Champion from KBC
  • Stephanie Cicchini, Flow Assurance Consultant from Wood Plc

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Wood is a global leader in consulting, projects and operations solutions in energy and the built environment. We operate in more than 60 countries, employing around 55,000 people, with revenues of around $10 billion.

With one of the largest, most experienced flow assurance and dynamic process simulation teams in the world, Wood is able to perform a wide variety of analysis-driven solutions for clients. Wood’s deep technical understanding, combined with extensive project experience and very close working relationships with software vendors, allows the provision of fast, meaningful, and fit for purpose solutions.